Frances Collins
Support this unique opportunity to WALK THE TALK! Frances has planned a journey to report on how her diagnosis of early Parkinson’s disease can be impacted by natural treatment choices.
A little bit of context
Did you know that Parkinson’s disease effects one in 500 and the frequency is predicted to triple over the next 50 years as the average age of the population increases? Do you, like me, wonder why Parkinson’s disease is on the increase as the second most common neurodegenerative disorders, second in frequency only to Alzheimer’s disease?

The average time reported to progress from Stage 1 (mild) to Stage 2 (mild but various symptoms) is 1 year 8 months. That makes this campaign feel even more urgent.
Symptoms of Parkinson’s Disease began, for me, 3 years ago. Medical consultation carries shockingly no hope for regeneration or recovery only a sense of hopeless wait and see. A good friend called this position looking down the barrel of a gun! So far, my research into causes and treatment of Parkinson’s disease have established that there is shockingly little hope offered. Medications carry horrendous side effects and funding is impossible unless it is to support pharmacological or surgical treatments.
My experience of healing from breast cancer and radiotherapy-induced heart damage at 36 years of age meant finding myself on the receiving end after 16 years of being a nurse. I discovered ways to rebuild my health and my life beyond what is offered by NHS. I chose an integrative path that has shaped my life and path as a NHS consultant health professional. Meditation and nutrition have been core to recovery and further study. I learned that there is a gap between what is possible and what is available. This inspired me to create Compassion Field as a non – profit organisation in the form of a Social Enterprise (C.I.C.) in 2013 offering integrative healthcare choices and training in meditation for health. Now Parkinson’s disease offers another chapter on investigating living and dying.
Imagine what difference it could make to people who have been told they may have a progressive neurodegenerative condition such as Parkinson’s disease if they knew there were choices available?
I have discovered that there are natural non-invasive and cost-effective treatment such as low intensity light laser and audio-therapy designed to stimulate the brain and establish balance. Can these be helpful to allevaite or delay symptoms of Parkinson’s disease?
What if we were told that natural choices are available that may help?
There is indisputable evidence that meditation supports our health. So what impact could an extensive period of meditation and yoga have toward regeneration of brain cells? What if someone were willing to make a journey of discovery that included specialist medical assessments and MRI scans and to write that journey?
This is my plan. with your support, to make this happen!
Not only is Parkinson’s disease a slowly progressive neurodegenerative disorder with no identifiable cause but conventional medical treatment has not advanced in more than 40 years! For example, in U.K. the only treatment being offered to NHS patients with Parkinson’s disease is pharmacological and the drugs offered have particularly toxic side effects. Do you, like me, ask why?
Here’s what I intend to do about it with your help!
Initially disheartened by the diagnosis I read Dr Norman Doidge’s excellent book The Brain’s way of Healing (2015). He reports how the brain can change itself and brings hope for natural treatment choices, some that can be measured with specialized brain scans. Inspired by this I continue to choose a drug free treatment pathway and want to offer my experience to discover whatever I can in support of others finding ways to live more skillfully with Parkinson’s disease and, at best, to reverse symptoms! In line with Doidge’s writings I am optimistically drawn to explore forms of healing energy around us—light, sound, vibration, movement, and meditation—that can pass through the senses and the body to awaken the brain’s own transformative capacities without surgery or medication and their unpleasant side effects or risks. Therefore, for the next stage of this exploration I have planned a journey to Toronto and to San Francisco for expert support with this plan for treatment.
You can join me: –
What your contribution will go towards:
- Trans-Atlantic travel and accommodation
- Consultation and treatment schedule in Toronto, which includes low intensity light laser (
- Consultation and treatment with Tomatis method
- Brain scans pre-and post-treatment
- Purchase of Bio flex Laser and Tomatis equipment for personal continued use
- Journey to San Francisco for expert support for a 90 -day period of intensive meditation
- Brain scan on return home
- Interviews with experts on these treatments and other natural approaches
- Funding toward writing a book to inform people of natural choices
- Creating a website
And here’s some amazing benefits for supporting me
- I will update by blog and social media regularly
- I will post updates on research and treatment choices Parkinson’s disease
- We know that meditation has many protective health benefits!
- Has meditation been one of things you never got around to?
- Have you thought about it but never found the right practice to meet your health needs?
- Do you have a health condition that meditation could help with?
- Does a loved one or friend have a condition that meditation could help with?
Because this is personal!
- To everyone who donates £50 or more to Compassion Field I am offering a unique opportunity of a downloadable personal meditation practice that meets your individual needs.
- Alternatively, would a loved one benefit from a recorded meditation practice specially tailored to meet individual health challenge or circumstances?
- Donate £25 and you recieve a Mountain meditation to your inbox or by post when you email
Examples of meditations that are free to download are at the resources page at